Building regulations: access statements, security, changing places toilets and regulation 7
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Combined summary of responses to the 2012 consultation on changes to the building regulations.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation paper sets out the detailed proposals on parts A, B, C, K, M and N, access statements, security, changing places toilet and regulation 7, and is section 1 of 4, relating to the 2012 building regulations consultation exercise.
Section 1 provides an overview of the consultation package as a whole as well as proposals on a number of areas including:
- replacing the currently referenced standards in part A (structure) with the new British Standards based on Eurocodes
- aligning the existing guidance in Approved Document C (site preparation and resistance to contaminants and moisture) with the most up-to-date radon maps to ensure the safety provisions are targeted appropriately
- clarifying the guidance on access statements in Approved Document M (access to and use of buildings)
- rationalising the guidance supporting parts M, K and N (access, protection from falling, collision and impact and glazing respectively) to remove unnecessary costs on business
- making minor changes to the technical guidance in Approved Document B (fire safety) to resolve practical problems in the application of requirement B2 (internal fire spread (linings))
- setting out the intention to take forward the repeal of the fire protection provisions in the Local Acts
- setting out the non-regulatory approach proposed in relation to domestic security and changing places toilets
Draft Approved Documents
Published alongside this section of the consultation is a draft version of a new Approved Document K (protection from falling, collision and impact). Not only does this reflect the proposed changes resulting from the rationalisation of parts K, M and N, it also seeks consultees’ views on the proposed new style of Approved Documents.
This new style has also been applied to a draft revised Approved Document regulation 7 which can be found in the main consultation document as annex I.
Other consultation sections
The other consultation sections cover the following: