Call for evidence ICES area 7d King scallop fishery closure
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following a call for evidence the UKFAs decided to close ICES area 7d king scallop (Pectens maximus) fishery between 1 August and 30 September 2022 to all vessels over 10 m in length.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The UKFAs are committed to ensuring fisheries are managed to a level where stocks are healthy and fished sustainably; the marine environment is protected; and economic return for fishers is maximised without impacting stock sustainability and environmental protections.
Call for evidence
MMO launched a call for evidence from 9 May to 6 June 2022, seeking views on the proposal to close ICES area 7d to all vessels using scallop dredges during August and September 2022.
The proposed closure was designed to offer protection to scallops during their spawning season and to support future growth in the population.
Following the consultation, MMO reviewed all information received and produced a decision document outlining a summary of responses and reasoning of the decision made on the proposed closure.
Having considered the call for evidence responses and scientific advice on the stock biomass, UKFAs agreed to introduce a closure of the area 7d, in UK waters, for the scallop fishery from 1 August to 30 September 2022. The closure will apply to all UK and EU vessels in UK waters over 10 m in length, and to UK vessels of all lengths in EU waters.
What happens next?
The closure will be enacted by a licence variation.
The variation will include:
A prohibition to all vessels using scallop dredges over 10 m in length from 1 August - 30 September 2022 in UK waters of ICES area 7d.
The same closure will apply for all UK vessels, irrespective of size, in EU waters of ICES area 7d.
Contact information
Fisheries Management Team
Telephone: 0300 123 1032