Call for evidence: Waste prevention programme for England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We received 102 responses to the call for evidence for the Waste Prevention Programme for England from a range of organisations with an interest in waste prevention.
The responses received and the evidence provided were taken into account in the development of the Waste Prevention Programme for England.
Original call for evidence
Call for evidence description
The government will publish the first Waste Prevention Programme for England by December 2013.
This is a Defra priority, aiming to support growth and help householders, local councils and businesses to save money. The Programme takes forward a commitment in the Government Review of Waste Policy in England 2011 and fulfils a requirement of the revised Waste Framework Directive (2008/98/EC).
This Call for Evidence sets out the evidence we have, priorities, barriers, opportunities and ongoing action, and invites views and information to help inform the Programme.
Updates to this page
Published 11 March 2013Last updated 11 December 2013 + show all updates
Added summary of response and government response document.
First published.