Call for user views on the Statistical Data Return
Applies to England
Detail of outcome
The feedback is being incorporated into the 2019 publication of the SDR. This will involve three shorter releases, with a range of briefing notes, look-up tools and accompanying documents on stock levels and changes over time, rents, stock movements and sector characteristics.
The SDR will be available on the Statistical Data Return statistical releases page, which lists the annual SDRs.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Responses to the call for user views (with details redacted) are published above alongside the Regulator’s response.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Regulator of Social Housing is seeking views into the future of the Statistical Data Return - Private registered provider social housing stock in England and data release to ensure that it delivers usable, effective and reliable statistical data to those interested in social housing provision by private registered providers.
Users of the SDR national statistics and stakeholders with an interest in the publication are encouraged to feed back on the proposals outlined in the consultation document. They are also asked to answer some questions about their use of the SDR, its data files and look-up tools.
The outcome of this review will inform the next SDR, which is due for publication in autumn 2019, and help the Regulator consider potential user needs in the future. There will be an opportunity to provide views on the 2019 SDR release following publication.