Capacity Market 2021: proposals for improvements
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
With the exception of one proposal which did not receive a majority of support, we will now lay legislation in Parliament to amend the capacity market rules and the electricity capacity regulations in order to implement the proposals.
We have made a number of minor tweaks to the original proposals based on feedback received through the consultation.
Regarding the proposal to require capacity market units to be registered in the balancing mechanism, we will reflect on the feedback received in the consultation and reconsider this proposal for a future consultation.
Detail of feedback received
We received 38 responses to this consultation, from a wide variety of respondents including:
- industry
- trade associations
- individuals
Respondents widely supported the proposals, with the exception of the proposal to require capacity market units to be registered in the balancing mechanism.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation covers proposals on incremental and technical improvements to the Capacity Market in 10 areas, relating to:
- ensuring security of supply
- making simplifications and clarifications to the legislation
- reducing costs
We have identified these areas through engagement with stakeholders and our delivery partners over the last year.
See the BEIS consultation privacy notice.
Please do not send responses by post to the department at the moment as we may not be able to access them.