Consultation outcome

Capacity Market: proposals for future improvements

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

The response outlines how the government intends to implement the majority of proposals outlined in the future improvements consultation.

The government will move to implement 5 of the 6 commitments referenced in the European Commission’s October 2019 final decision on state aid for the Capacity Market (CM), as well as remove the exclusion from the CM of plants with long-term contracts for providing short-term operating reserve (STOR), in addition to other minor improvements.

The response includes the government’s response to 2 other CM consultations:

Detail of feedback received

33 responses were received from a range of stakeholders including trade associations and capacity providers.

Original consultation


We're seeking views on changes to the Capacity Market’s design following the European Commission’s 2019 decision granting State aid approval for the scheme.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

The Commission’s 2019 State aid decision notes that the UK government has committed to implementing a number of improvements to the design of the Capacity Market (CM) to reflect recent market and regulatory developments, including those identified through our recent 5-year-review of the effectiveness of the CM.

This consultation seeks views on proposals to implement 5 of the 6 commitments referenced in the decision, as well as a review of the exclusion from the CM of plants with long-term STOR contracts and several other minor improvements.

We intend to publish a separate call for evidence on proposals to implement the sixth State aid commitment on enabling the direct participation of foreign capacity in due course.


Published 3 February 2020
Last updated 20 May 2020 + show all updates
  1. Government response published.

  2. First published.