Consultation outcome

Carer’s leave

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

The government response to this consultation confirms our intention to introduce an entitlement to carer’s leave as a day 1 right for employees. The response outlines the decisions that government has taken on what the leave entitlement will look like. It sets out key details including:

  • how eligibility will be defined
  • how the leave can be taken
  • what the leave can be used for

It also provides a summary of the responses from individuals and stakeholders.

Legislation to introduce carer’s leave as a day 1 statutory employment right will be brought forward when parliamentary time allows.

Detail of feedback received

The introduction of a new statutory entitlement to leave for unpaid carers who are balancing working alongside their caring responsibilities received strong support across the range of respondent types, including individuals, businesses, charities, and trade unions. We heard the importance of flexibility in meeting the needs of unpaid carers, who personal circumstances and responsibilities can vary greatly.

There were calls from charities and individuals for this leave entitlement to be paid. The government understands these calls and is sympathetic to the financial challenges faced by informal carers. However, government has been clear that the aim of carer’s leave is to give individuals greater flexibility to provide care during regular working hours. The priority is to ensure that the leave is widely available to those who need it, while making sure that the impact on employers is proportionate.

The consultation received 840 responses. The majority of respondents were individuals: 615 in total (73%). In terms of responses from business we received:

  • 43 from large businesses
  • 5 from medium businesses
  • 7 from small businesses
  • 5 from micro businesses

The other main sub-groups were:

  • charities or carers groups
  • those who are carers themselves
  • local authorities or councils

Original consultation


We're seeking views on giving unpaid carers a new right to a week of leave.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation seeks views on a proposal to give employees a week of unpaid leave each year to provide care. Your responses will help us understand:

  • how carers use existing employment rights
  • who should be eligible to take the leave
  • what the leave can be taken for
  • how the leave would be available to take and the process for taking the leave
  • the costs and benefits to employers and employees

We welcome responses from all stakeholders including, but not limited to:

  • employers
  • individual carers
  • trade unions
  • representative organisations
  • charities
  • professional bodies
  • medical or social care providers
  • researchers and academics

Extension to consultation end date

In light of COVID-19, we are extending the consultation period to give people more time to respond.


Carer's leave consultation

Impact Assessment

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Updates to this page

Published 16 March 2020
Last updated 29 October 2021 show all updates
  1. Government response in Welsh added: Ymgynghoriad ar Absenoldeb Gofalwyr - Ymateb y Llywodraeth.

  2. Government response published.

  3. The deadline for consultation responses has been extended to 3 August in light of COVID-19.

  4. First published.

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