Consultation outcome

Cash and digital payments in the new economy

This was published under the 2016 to 2019 May Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Detail of outcome

The government’s response to its Call for Evidence on Cash and Digital Payments in the New Economy.

Original consultation


A call for evidence on the role of cash and digital payments in the new economy.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

To better understand the role of cash and digital payments in the new economy, the government has launched a call for evidence. We want to make sure that our economy is fit for the future and keeps pace with changes in the ways that people pay for goods and services.

This call for evidence represents an important step in the discussion about cash and digital payments in the new economy, and how the transition from cash to digital payments impacts on different sectors, different regions and different demographics. It seeks to gather evidence to inform that debate, by exploring how the government can support digital payments and ensure that the ability to pay by cash is available for those who need it, whilst cracking down on the minority who use cash to evade tax and launder money. It is seeking both domestic and international evidence of what the government can and should do in this area.


Cash and digital payments in the new economy

Updates to this page

Published 13 March 2018
Last updated 3 May 2019 show all updates
  1. Updated with 'Cash and digital payments in the new economy: summary of responses'.

  2. First published.

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