Consultation outcome

Consultation outcome

Updated 12 February 2025

1. Introduction

The MOD opened a consultation with internal and external stakeholders on 30 April 2024, regarding the proposed cessation of the annual UK service personnel amputation statistics: UK service personnel amputation statistics, currently produced annually and proposal to cease publication.

2. Results

The consultation period ended on 11 June 2024. There was one response during the consultation period objecting to the cessation of the report. The main concerns raised are outlined below:

  • It contributes to research in the prosthetics and orthotics industry, a developing field that needs as many available resources as possible.

  • I hope that such reports remain available and accessible so that research can progress and funding can be supported for UK service personnel.

Operation TELIC (Iraq) ended in May 2011 and operations in Afghanistan ended in August 2021. There were no amputations due to injuries sustained in Iraq or Afghanistan during 2021-22 and 2022-23.

Analysis Health will continue to collect and process the data and produce internal management information where required and respond when asked to Freedom of Information requests and Parliamentary Questions.

If circumstances change and the number of amputations begin to significantly increase this official statistic will be resumed.

3. Conclusion

As a result of the responses to the consultation, the decision has been made to cease publishing the UK service personnel amputations statistics with immediate effect, although please note the data used to produce the statistics will continue to be collected by the MOD.

4. Next steps

The UK service amputation statistics will no longer be published but the amputations data will continue to be collected and compiled.