Contracts for Difference: contract changes for Allocation Round 5
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government response confirms our decision to make several amendments to the CfD Standard Terms and Conditions and Private Network Agreement (the contract) for the fifth CfD Allocation Round (AR5).
The amendments to the contract include changes to prevent generators delaying their CfD Start Date for commercial gain, while retaining flexibility to accommodate genuine construction delays.
The government’s final assessment of the likely economic impact of these contract changes is published as an annex to the government response.
We have also updated the interest rate methodology for repaying cumulated Subsidy, following the UK’s exit from the EU, and removed BSUoS (Balancing Services Use of System) charge clauses, reflecting Ofgem’s 2022 decision that these charges will no longer be levied on generators. We have simplified data provision requirements for generators, and updated definitions in the CfD Private Network Agreement to ensure better alignment with regulations. In addition, we have updated the contract to reflect new supply chain plan requirements for floating offshore wind projects.
Detail of feedback received
We received 28 responses to this consultation, as follows:
- developers of renewable generating stations - 19
- trade associations - 5
- supply chain company – 1
- consumer group – 1
- investment fund manager – 1
- electricity supplier – 1
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on drafting changes to the Contracts for Difference (CfD) Standard Terms and Conditions and Private Network Agreement in advance of Allocation Round 5 (AR5), which is scheduled to open in March 2023. The proposed changes will:
- clarify that the flexibility in the contract for generators to delay their CfD start date should not be used to optimise electricity generation revenue prior to starting the CfD contract
- simplify data provision requirements for generators
- update definitions in the CFD Private Network Agreement to ensure better alignment with regulations
- update interest rate calculations for repaying cumulated subsidy following the UK’s exit from the EU
- remove BSUoS (Balancing Services Use of System) charge clauses, reflecting Ofgem’s decision that these charges will no longer be levied on generators
- reflect new supply chain plan requirements for floating offshore wind projects
The proposed drafting changes are shown as tracked amendments in the CfD Standard Terms and Conditions and CfD Private Network Agreement, published alongside this consultation document.
We welcome responses from anyone with an interest in the proposals, in particular those considering participating in AR5.
Read the BEIS consultation privacy notice.