Changes that the government wants to make to a law called the Mental Health Act (easy read)
Applies to England and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The government hosted a public consultation from 13 January 2021 to 21 April 2021 on a set of proposals to reform the Mental Health Act.
We received over 1,700 responses. This report is the government’s formal response to this consultation.
The Welsh response is currently being translated and will be uploaded as soon as possible.
See the non-easy read version.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We want to change the law on looking after people with mental health problems.
We have come up with some ideas to make the law better for people who are being looked after.
We want you to tell us if you like our ideas or not.
Click on the ‘respond online’ button below to read about our ideas and tell us what you think.
You can also read about them in the document below or in the non-easy read version.