Changes to Egg Marketing Standards legislation in Great Britain
Applies to England, Scotland and Wales
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We received 6 responses to this consultation. We are now setting out the UK government’s next steps to make amendments to egg marketing regulation in Great Britain.
Defra, Welsh Government and Scottish Government have agreed on an alignment of proposed amendments to regulations across the 3 nations. This will ensure a consistent approach across Great Britain.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Defra, the Welsh Government and the Scottish Government are consulting on a proposed amendment to their respective legislation to update how egg marketing standards for eggs imported to GB are enforced.
We’re looking to ensure that the enforcement of egg marketing standards continues to be maintained throughout the supply chain without causing excessive burden to businesses.
Defra is engaging with colleagues in both the Welsh and Scottish Governments to discuss possible GB-wide alignment on the proposed amendments.
It is our priority to ensure we have a comprehensive understanding of industry’s views of these proposals. All responses to this consultation will be carefully considered.