Changes to guidance on using tactile paving surfaces
Detail of outcome
Improving guidance on tactile paving surfaces is being considered in the accessibility action plan consultation (section 4.8 to 4.10).
Original consultation
Consultation description
The department is looking to improve the guidance on tactile paving surfaces. Making them easier to use as a navigational tool and warning system. Ensuring designs are safer and comfortable for mobility impaired people.
We are seeking views on the following changes:
- relaxation of the requirement for the back edge of an area of blister paving to be horizontal to the crossing direction with 2 options
- replacement of the requirement for blister paving at a controlled crossing to be red with a requirement for at least a 50% contrast ratio with the surrounding paving
- introduce a universal requirement for the boundary between carriageway and footway to be marked with tactile paving wherever they are at the same level
- suggestions for crossing improvements