Checking and challenging your rateable value
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
An open letter to those who responded to the consultation paper “checking and challenging your rateable value”.
The consultation summary provides a breakdown of responses by organisation. In total 71 responses were received.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The rating system should provide an easy to use and prompt opportunity for ratepayers to understand their rateable value, challenge it if necessary and gain reductions where it is found to be too high. Under the current system, ratepayers cannot see the rental evidence on which rateable values are based and make large numbers of speculative challenges with little or no explanation of why they think their rateable value is wrong.
About 3 quarters of challenges result in no change, but the Valuation Office Agency (VOA) cannot identify those challenges until very late in the process. The resulting delays mean that those businesses whose rateable values are too high have to wait for refunds.
This consultation sets out the government’s proposals to reform the current system for explaining and challenging rateable values.
Updates to this page
Added 'Checking and challenging your rateable value: summary of responses'.
Added open letter to those who responded to the consultation paper "checking and challenging your rateable value".
First published.