Child Maintenance: Improving the collection and transfer of payments
Consultation description
The aim of this consultation is to seek views on how the Child Maintenance Service collects and transfers maintenance payments to ensure children receive the maintenance they are entitled to and parents are appropriately supported when using the scheme.
This document includes:
- information on how the Child Maintenance Service currently operates and identifies areas for improvement
a set of policy consultation questions on:
- how the Child Maintenance Service can better encourage family-based arrangements
- a proposal to remove the direct pay service and maintain small fees for the use of the new service
- how the Child Maintenance Service can better support victims and survivors of domestic abuse
This consultation is open to voluntary and community sector organisations, as well as Child Maintenance Service customers and members of the general public.
This consultation was published before the 2024 General Election. The ministerial foreword was provided by the former Minister for Lords, Viscount Younger of Leckie.