Children and young people’s consultation: Inspecting supported accommodation
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Last summer, we made some proposals about the way we will inspect supported accommodation. Inspections will start later in 2024.
We set up 2 online surveys and 280 people told us what they thought about our suggestions. We also spoke with professionals who run, or work with, supported accommodation services and we held regular workshops and meetings with care-experienced people.
We are very grateful to all the people with experience of the care system for sharing their expertise with us.
You can read what everyone said in this report.
Original consultation
Consultation description
As well as this young person’s version of the consultation there is also a main consultation. You are welcome to complete either.
We request that parents, carers and people who work with and support children who are living in supported accommodation complete the main consultation.
Who we are
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. We inspect nurseries, schools and colleges to make sure that children and young people are taught as well as possible. We also inspect children’s social care.
What this consultation is about
In April 2024, Ofsted will start inspecting services that are registered to provide supported accommodation for looked-after children and care leavers aged 16 or 17. This is to make sure the services are helping children and keeping them safe.
We need your help
We want you to tell us what you think about the ideas we have for inspecting supported accommodation. In particular our proposals about:
- whether there should be 3 possible outcomes for our first round of inspections
- whether we should give providers 2 days’ notice before we come to inspect them
- what effective supported accommodation looks like, and what inspectors should look at during inspections
You can read more about our proposals in the document below or in the online survey.
How to give your views
Please tell us what you think about our proposals for inspecting supported accommodation by taking our online survey.
If you have any difficulties using the online survey, please email with the details.
Your parents or carers or your school or college can help you with the survey. They can also tell us what they think as well on a survey for them.