Civil society strategy: have your say
Applies to England
Detail of outcome
Civil Society Strategy: building a future that works for everyone has now been published.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Tracey Crouch - Civil Society Strategy
From supporting the most vulnerable and disadvantaged people in society to the work of charities, community groups and businesses helping good causes, civil society is part of the fabric of our society.
We want to have an open conversation about civil society, what is working well, and what government can do to strengthen it further. If you want to help create a stronger civil society, we want you to share your ideas on how government can work with and support civil society to:
- support people - including young people - to play an active role in building a stronger society
- unlock the full potential of the private and public sectors to support social good
- help improve communities to make them better places to live and work in
- build stronger public services
Have your say
You can return to this form at a later date to continue with your response, as long as you use the same internet browser and the same computer on return. Partially completed responses will be automatically submitted one week after last activity or on the closing date.
You can also get involved by:
- using our toolkit to host a workshop with your community
- following the conversation on social media using #CivilSocietyStrategy
- signing up to our FOR INFO newsletter
- subscribing to OCS updates on GOV.UK
About civil society
Civil society is part of our day to day life. It has a long history of improving and enriching lives - ranging from working with the most vulnerable and disadvantaged, to helping environmental protection or access to the arts and culture. Civil society engages with people that government often cannot reach. We know that we continue to face problems in our society - problems government cannot solve alone. But we are optimistic about the opportunity to build on strong foundations and a shared mission with civil society to shape our country for the better and find creative new ways to respond to these challenges.
Civil society has changed significantly in recent years, with growing numbers of profit making businesses set up primarily to do good, adding to the efforts of traditional not-for-profit charities, community groups and youth organisations. At the same time, businesses are increasingly looking to do more to make a positive contribution to society. The boundaries between sectors are blurring. New actors and social movements are emerging. The potential for cross sector partnerships, collaborations and collective problem solving has never been stronger.
What happens next?
We will be looking at your responses on our digital platform throughout the next 12 weeks. As we receive your feedback, we will continue to shape the conversation to ensure we focus on areas that matter to you.
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