Clean Heat Market Mechanism: adjustment to scheme introduction date
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This consultation (launched under the previous administration) sought views on postponing the launch of the Clean Heat Market Mechanism from 1 April 2024 to 1 April 2025. The government response provides:
- a summary of the responses received to the addendum consultation
- the government’s decisions on the final policy design of the Clean Heat Market Mechanism
Having considered the responses:
- we will launch the scheme on 1 April 2025
- we have made 2 changes to the scheme design, explained in detail in the response
Detail of feedback received
We received 42 responses to the addendum consultation from a range of stakeholders, including:
- heating industry organisations
- energy supply and energy network organisations
- representative and trade associations
- non-governmental organisations and local government
- members of the public
Original consultation
Consultation description
This addendum to the Clean Heat Market Mechanism consultation government response invites views on our proposal to adjust the date of introduction of the scheme to 1 April 2025.