Code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers review project
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Summary of consultee comments and government responses to them. Please see above to download the outcome to this public feedback.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks your views on the new design and structure of the code of safe working practices for merchant seafarers (COSWP) (“the code”).
A PDF of the draft code chapters 1 -33 is attached (annex A) as part of this consultation for your review.
Your views are sought in the following areas:
- design and structure
- improved language and clarity
- diagrams
- functionality to use
A full list of consultation questions is contained in section 5 of this consultation.
Responses are welcomed from 29/08/2023 until 21/11/2023.
Please send to
Please see the response forms attached separately as Word documents for your convenience but functions such as tick boxes will not work in the open document format.
COSWP will remain a regularly updated publication. During this redrafting process we have sought to acquire new and relevant imagery for inclusion, which forms part of this consultation for your comment.
Please feel free to contact if you have any relevant images for consideration.
The review projects purpose was not to alter content extensively but to change layout and structure. References contained within the draft may have become outdated during the drafting process and shall be updated at the point of publication.
An accessible version of the consultation document and PDF have been attached.