Consultation outcome

Commercial spaceflight: insurance and liabilities requirements

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government
This consultation has concluded

Detail of outcome

The evidence resulting from this consultation was incorporated into the government response to our related spaceport and spaceflight activities: regulations and guidance consultation on 5 March 2021.

Original consultation


The draft insurance proposals and liabilities regulations needed for the Space Industry Act 2018, which will enable UK commercial spaceflight launches.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We are consulting on the draft:

  • insurance proposals
  • liabilities regulations
  • charging proposals

as part of the package of regulations required to implement the Space Industry Act 2018 and which will enable commercial spaceflight launches to take place from the UK.

We are consulting:

  • on the operability and effectiveness of the proposals including the use of licence conditions to cover insurance requirements
  • on the draft Space Industry (Liabilities) Regulations and associated documentation
  • to gather new evidence and test the assumptions in the impact assessment

These proposals supplement the ‘Spaceport and spaceflight activities: regulations and guidance’ consultation published in July 2020.


Unlocking commercial spaceflight for the UK consultation on draft insurance and liabilities requirements to implement the Space Industry Act

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Guidance for stakeholders on insurance and liabilities requirements under the Space Industry Act 2018

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Liabilities and insurance 2020: impact assessment

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Modelled insurance requirement determination process

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Updates to this page

Published 13 October 2020
Last updated 5 March 2021
  1. The evidence resulting from this consultation was incorporated into the government response to our related spaceport and spaceflight activities: regulations and guidance consultation.

  2. First published.

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