Consultation outcome

Community amateur sports clubs (CASC) scheme

This consultation has concluded

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Community amateur sports clubs: consultation response

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Detail of outcome

The Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC) scheme provides financial support to amateur members clubs set up to provide facilities and encourage participation in sporting activities across the whole community. Following consultation, the government is bringing forward new, clearer rules to provide clarity for those running CASCs and to encourage more clubs to register for the scheme. This document summarises the responses to the consultation and sets out details of the new rules. Legislation to give effect to these changes will be introduced in early 2014.

Original consultation


The government announced on 4 March 2013 its intent to amend and clarify eligibility conditions for clubs to be registered under the CASC scheme.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

Provisions were published in the Finance Bill on 28 March to amend the qualifying conditions and allow clearer, more detailed, rules to be specified in secondary legislation following a public consultation. This consultation sets out proposals for those rules.


Community amateur sports clubs (CASC) scheme

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Updates to this page

Published 3 June 2013
Last updated 25 November 2013
  1. Updated to include the summary of responses to the consultation.

  2. First published.

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