Community water fluoridation expansion in the north east of England
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The Department of Health and Social Care conducted a public consultation to gather views and evidence on a proposal to expand community water fluoridation schemes across the north east of England.
Following consideration of the consultation responses, the Secretary of State has decided to expand community water fluoridation in the north east, as proposed in the original consultation. The outcome report and final impact assessment provide full analysis and reasons behind this decision.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The deadline for responding to the consultation has been extended until 11:59pm on 31 July 2024.
The Health and Care Act 2022 provides powers for the Secretary of State to introduce, vary and terminate community water fluoridation schemes.
Faster, simpler and fairer: our plan to recover and reform NHS dentistry sets out a focus on prevention of tooth decay. This includes the long-term ambition to systematically bring water fluoridation to more of the country, with a particular focus on the most deprived areas, which stand to benefit most.
Before using these powers, public consultation is required on the proposal.
We are consulting on a proposal to request the relevant water company to enter into new fluoridation arrangements, and to vary existing agreements, in order to expand community water fluoridation schemes across the north east of England. This is because of the significant and long-standing inequalities in the region and is part of the government’s plan to improve dental health.
Updates to this page
Added consultation outcome and final impact assessment.
The deadline for responding to the consultation has been extended until 11:59pm on 31 July 2024.
Added to the note under 'Geographical scope of the proposal' that the postcode checker update related to adding postcodes in the Alston area that had been previously omitted.
Added a note under 'Geographical scope of the proposal': the postcode checker has been updated to add some postcodes that were previously omitted.
First published.