Competition and Markets Authority: vision, values and strategy
Detail of outcome
The final Vision, Values and Strategy document has now been published, following consultation.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The CMA’s consultation on vision, values and strategy has now concluded. The summary of responses and a separate document consolidating stakeholder responses are now published.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sets out the Competition and Market Authority (CMA’s) proposed:
- vision: what it will do
- strategy: how it will achieve its vision
- values: how it will do its work
We are seeking views from those who have an interest in the CMA’s work, in particular:
- business and consumer groups
- regulators with concurrent powers
- other government departments
- businesses, their advisers and legal advisers
The CMA was created in a shadow form by the Enterprise and Regulatory Reform Act 2013 on 1 October 2013 and will take on its full responsibilities from 1 April 2014.