Revised stability guidance for fishing vessels under 15m
Detail of outcome
The MCA has reviewed the comments received and amended the MGN. However, since MSN 1871, The Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Fishing Vessels of less than 15m has subsequently been published, a decision has been taken to reconsult on the revised version of the MGN in 2018.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
MCA notified Fishermen’s Federations and associations, professional organisations and other interested parties. Many of the organisations represent many fishermen/fishing vessel owners and sent the information to their membership. 8 individuals or organisations responded and having considered the responses, MCA has redrafted the MGN for a further consultation. Comments focused on the use of Wolfson to assess stability, the freeboard levels set out in the MGN, the structure of the MGN and where to position information and suggested additional points for inclusion.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The consultation period will run for 4 weeks until 05/12/14.