Consultation outcome

Consultation on a Public Sector Exit Payment Cap

This consultation has concluded

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Detail of outcome

This document summarises all the responses to the consultation on public sector exit charges.

Original consultation


Consulting on proposed legislation for a £95,000 total value on exit payments in public sector employment.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation seeks views on a proposal to legislate for a £95,000 cap on the total value of exit payments made to an individual in relation to their exit from public sector employment.

We are particularly interested in hearing from:

  • bodies within the scope of this policy
  • public Sector Employers and their representative bodies
  • employees and their representative bodies
  • members of the academic community with expertise in this area
  • pay, Pension, remuneration and HR professionals in both the private and public sectors
  • anyone else who may be impacted by this consultation


Draft: Public Sector Exit Payment Regulations 2016

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Published 31 July 2015
Last updated 7 March 2016 + show all updates
  1. updated draft regulations with minor changes, including a footnote to clarify an instance where a power to relax the £95,000 cap can be used

  2. Updated with draft regulations

  3. Responses added

  4. First published.