Consultation on designing and developing accessible assessments
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
In summary, we have decided to implement the proposed guidance, largely as set out in the consultation. This will replace the current guidance to Condition G3.
The new guidance has been incorporated into Condition D in the Ofqual Handbook.
In response to feedback, we have amended the draft guidance on which we consulted to explicitly refer to validity, and to make the wording and some of the examples clearer in places.
We proposed to publish our final guidance in spring 2022, and to give awarding organisations 6 months within which to review their approach in line with the Guidance.
The guidance will take effect on publication and awarding organisations will be expected to have regard to the guidance when producing new assessment materials. There will be no requirement for awarding organisations to change assessments that have already been finalised when the guidance is published.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We consulted on proposals to introduce new statutory Guidance on designing and developing accessible assessments. The consultation ran for 12 weeks between 1 November 2021 and 24 January 2022.
The consultation questions were available to complete online or via email.
We received 163 responses to the consultation from 162 respondents (one email response supplemented an online response). Of these, 125 were online responses, and 38 were received by email. We are grateful to everyone who participated.
Original consultation
Consultation description
We are keen to hear your views on this draft guidance for awarding organisations on producing accessible assessments – including exams. The wide range of Learners’ needs form the heart of the proposals, including those of disabled Learners.
The new guidance, intended to help awarding organisations design and develop accessible assessments and comply with our General Conditions of Recognition, will cover:
- how to avoid unnecessary burden on Learners when measuring the assessment construct
- how to use accessible language, within an accessible layout
- how to use source material, context, images and colour in an assessment
- how to design and develop assessments in a way that facilitates Reasonable Adjustments
- practices that may help awarding organisations make their assessments as accessible as possible
The proposed new guidance, if adopted, will form separate guidance within Section D of the General Conditions of Recognition. It will complement or replace guidance on relevant specified Conditions.
We are not making any changes to the Conditions themselves, so the obligations on awarding organisations are unchanged.
We welcome views on the content and the style of the proposed new guidance.