Consultation on equality objectives 2023
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Please see the pages below for the accessible (HTML) versions of the above documents:
- Equality Objectives 2023 that has been finalised following this consultation.
- Decision Statement: Equality Objectives 2023 which contains the final outcome of the consultation.
If you require the information in other formats please email or call 0300 124 5225.
Detail of feedback received
An analysis of the responses is outlined in the Decision Statement
Original consultation
Consultation description
The Regulator of Social Housing published its first set of equality objectives in July 2020, following a consultation. Those objectives focussed on the point at which it interacts with tenants and the public; how it communicates; and its organisational culture.
It is proposing three new equality objectives which focus on the robustness and quality of equality data in the sector; how it communicates; and the culture of its organisation.
Private registered providers, local authority registered providers, tenants, lenders and other interested stakeholders are invited to give feedback on whether they think the proposed objectives meet the RSH’s obligations under the Equality Act, and if appropriate activity has been identified to help achieve the overall objective.