Consultation on GCSE and GCE music and dance
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
After analysing all responses and assessing the likely impact of our proposals, we have decided to immediately implement all of our proposed changes.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
We received 370 responses to the consultation. Of these, 312 were complete online responses, 48 were partially-complete online responses, and 10 were email responses. We are grateful to everyone who participated.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following the first delivery of the reformed GCSEs, AS and A levels in music in summer 2018, we identified two issues with our rules for the performance assessment in these qualifications. One of these issues also applies to the reformed GCSE, AS and A level in dance. We have also identified an editorial error specifically related to the reformed GCSE in dance. To address these issues, we are proposing to make some small changes to our subject-level conditions.