Consultation on implementing a police pay review body
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Detail of outcome
Government response to the consultation on implementing a police pay review body
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation was launched with the aim of getting the views of interested parties on the changes to the police negotiating machinery as recommended by Tom Winsor, in particular:
- the Police Negotiating Board should be abolished and replaced by an independent police officer pay review body by late 2014
- the membership and terms of reference for the new police pay review body should be as specified in Chapter 10 of the Tom Winsor’s report
- once the police pay review body has been established, police pensions should be handled by the Police Advisory Boards for England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland
- the Senior Salaries Review Body should take responsibility for setting the pay of chief constables, deputy chief constables and assistant chief constables by 2014
Further information on these recommendations can be found in Tom Winsor’s Independent Review of Police Officer and Staff Remuneration and Conditions final report which can be found on the review website.
The government believes that Tom Winsor’s report as a whole provides a good basis for discussion and consultation. The recommendations on the police pay negotiation machinery represent the fairest and most appropriate method of determining police pay and conditions. Police officers deserve to have pay and workforce arrangements which recognise the vital role they play in fighting crime and keeping the public safe, and which enable them to deliver effectively for the public.