Consultation on implementing Home Area Network (HAN) solutions and changes to technical sub-committee (TSC)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
These documents set out the Government’s response to the December 2015 Consultation on aspects of the implementation of Home Area Network (HAN) solutions and on the operation and remit of the Technical Sub-Committee (TSC).
The consultation response published in April 2016 concludes on amendments to:
The gas and electricity standard supply Licence Conditions to require suppliers to utilise the 2.4GHz solution to connect the IHD to the communications hub, in preference to the 868MHz solution, where it is technically practicable to do so.
The SEC to require the TSC to keep HAN arrangements under consideration and to change the scope of the TSC such that it becomes the Technical Architecture and Business Architecture Sub-Committee (TABASC).
The legal drafting was laid in Parliament alongside publication of this response document and was brought into legal effect in Summer 2016.
The consultation response published in February 2017 concludes that:
- Local CAD Pairing will not be implemented at this time due to data privacy and consumer experience concerns.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on regulatory drafting to implement the Government’s conclusions on the 868MHz HAN solution, on the operation and general scope of the Smart Energy Code (SEC) Panel’s Technical Sub-Committee (the ‘TSC’) and on the implementation of local pairing of consumer devices to the smart metering system.
It covers new legal drafting covering conclusions on the 868MHz HAN solution, with proposed changes to the SEC (in particular the operation of the TSC) and changes to supplier licences (Section 1).
We are also proposing a mechanism for local CAD pairing. This differs to the approach previously envisaged as it has not been possible to implement the necessary changes to the ZigBee standard. The new approach does not rely on changes to this standard (Section 2).
Finally, we are consulting on proposed changes to the SEC which would amend the scope of the TSC to include oversight of the business architecture (Section 3).
Updates to this page
Published 17 December 2015Last updated 13 February 2017 + show all updates
Published government response to the consultation on local pairing of consumer devices to the home area network.
Consultation response.
First published.