Consultation on regulating level 1 and 2 qualifications designed to lead to employment
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Part 1 - proposed regulatory approach for level 2 qualifications designed to lead to skilled employment
Ofqual has decided to implement the regulatory approach to these qualifications as proposed in the consultation. This means the introduction of new requirements relating to assessment strategies, Ofqual review of qualifications, and what happens when funding approval for a qualification is withdrawn.
Part 2 - proposed regulatory approach for level 1 qualifications that are prerequisites to employment
Ofqual has decided to implement the regulatory approach to these qualifications as proposed in the consultation. This means regulating these qualifications through the General Conditions of Recognition only.
Part 3 – proposed Qualification Level Conditions for level 2 qualifications designed to lead to skilled employment
Ofqual has decided to implement the proposed Qualification Level Conditions (QLCs) and requirements for level 2 qualifications as consulted on.
This means that for these qualifications, Ofqual will implement the following QLCs and associated requirements:
- interpretation and definitions (Condition TOQ1)
- assessment strategies and associated requirements (Condition TOQ2 and associated requirements)
- qualification reviews (Condition TOQ3)
- withdrawal of approval for public funding (Condition TOQ4)
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
Proposed regulatory approach for level 2 qualifications designed to lead to skilled employment and level 1 qualifications that are prerequisites to employment.
Level 2 qualifications designed to lead to skilled employment
There was broad support, from both awarding organisations and other respondents, for Ofqual’s proposals related to assessment strategies and Ofqual review of qualifications. There was broad support for the wording of the draft conditions and requirements through which these proposals would be implemented.
There was less support for the proposal to require awarding organisations to inform Ofqual when approval for funding was withdrawn from their qualifications. Awarding organisations thought that this would place an unnecessary burden on them, and questioned why Ofqual could not receive the information directly from DfE. Where respondents were asked to comment on the draft condition covering this requirement, they mostly commented on the proposed policy approach and not on the wording of the condition.
Level 1 qualifications that are prerequisites to employment
Respondents were strongly supportive of the proposal to regulate level 1 qualifications which are prerequisites to employment through the GCR only, without any additional controls.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation covers the first groups of qualifications that will be approved for delivery in the new landscape. These are level 2 qualifications designed to lead to skilled employment. It also covers level 1 qualifications that are prerequisites to employment.
Ofqual’s proposed approach to regulating these qualifications has been designed to work in conjunction with the new DfE funding approvals process. It will build on the arrangements put in place for reformed level 3 qualifications.
The aim of this consultation is to provide clarity for awarding organisations about the way in which these qualifications will be regulated and the rules they must meet. This consultation sets out both the proposed regulatory approach and the draft Conditions and requirements which would be used to implement this approach. This will allow awarding organisations as much time as is possible for qualification development. It will also allow funding decisions to be made by DfE in time for centres to familiarise themselves with any changes to qualifications in advance of teaching the first reformed qualifications in September 2025.