Smart meters: proposals on non-gateway interfaces
Detail of outcome
The government response to this consultation is contained within Section 21 (pages 75-77) of the follow-up consultation response published on 3 December 2015, and provides the following summary:
References to the Non-Gateway Interface (NGI) and associated terms will be deleted from the Smart Energy Code (SEC) Sections listed. Government supports an industry-solution on the management of alerts from churned for the SMETS2 (smart metering equipment technical specifications: second version) meters.
Detail of feedback received
There were 11 responses to this consultation, predominately from larger suppliers but also a smaller supplier, industry and consumer groups, a gas distribution network and the DCC.
The majority of responses supported the proposed removal of SEC requirements for the DCC to build a NGI, but with caveats.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is seeking views on its proposal that the Data Communications Company (DCC) should no longer be required to provide a Non-Gateway Interface (NGI) to allow a non DCC User supplier(s) to update the Smart Metering Key Infrastructure certificates on a DCC enrolled SMETS2 Metering System in the event that it gains a customer with that Smart Metering System in light of recent policy and operational developments.