Consultation on Society Lottery Reform
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The consultation response announces increases to society lottery limits for the per draw sales limit to £5 million, the per draw prize limit to £500,000 and the annual sales limit to £50 million.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Please note - the online response tool has now closed. We continue to accept responses via email or post at the details below.
Society lotteries play a vital part of the giving landscape by enabling charities and other societies, such as sports clubs, to run lotteries for good causes. The amount a society can raise is subject to limits of £4m sales per draw, £10m sales per year and a maximum prize of £400,000.
Our preferred options would allow a tenfold increase in the amount that a large society lottery can raise per year, bringing the annual limit to £100m. The per draw sales limit would rise to £5m and the maximum prize to £500,000.
Read the advice provided by the Gambling Commission.