Shared parental leave and pay administration
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
We want to ensure that the new system of shared parental leave and pay meets the needs of parents and employers and is as simple to use as possible. The government response outlines how the new shared parental leave and pay system will work.
The enabling legislation for shared parental leave and pay is set out in the Children and Families Bill, which is currently before Parliament. We are preparing a set of Regulations, which we will lay before Parliament once the Bill has achieved Royal Assent.
We intend that arrangements for shared parental leave and pay to come into effect for babies due on or after 5 April 2015.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is publishing this consultation on administering shared parental leave and pay. Shared parental leave and pay will give parents more choice and flexibility in how they share the care of their child in the early stages following birth. This will:
- enable both parents to retain a strong link with the labour market
- encourage more fathers to play a greater caring role (both pre-natal and in the early stages)
The consultation sets out proposals for how shared parental leave and pay will work in practice. We announced our intention to implement measures to encourage sharing parental leave and pay on 13 November 2012 in the government response to the Modern Workplaces Consultation.
This consultation is about getting the detail right and making shared parental leave work for both parents and the people who employ them.
Alongside this Acas are also consulting on a Draft Code of Practice for flexible working. For further information see the Acas consultations page.