Consultation outcome

Consultation on the EMR operational cost levies

This was published under the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government
This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Government response to the CFD Counterparty and Electricity Settlements Company operational costs

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Detail of outcome

Government response to a consultation which was key to ensuring that the CFD Counterparty and Electricity Settlements Company are appropriately resourced for them to deliver functions fundamental to the EMR regime.

Original consultation


The government is seeking views on the proposed budgets of the CFD Counterparty Company and Electricity Settlements Company for the period between August 2014 and March 2015.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

These two government-owned companies are being set up to deliver key elements of Contracts for Difference (CfD) and Capacity Market. The CFD Counterparty Company will manage CfDs (including Investment Contracts) with generators, and managing payments to and from generators and suppliers. The Electricity Settlements Company will be responsible for payment flows under the Capacity Market, including making capacity payments to capacity providers, controlling collateral draw-down and managing auction bid bonds and collateral.

This consultation covers the operational cost levies for 2014/15 only. The budgets presented in this document are based on the design proposals presented in the October 2013 consultation. It is important to note that policy may be subject to changes resulting from the outcome of the October consultation following the contributions provided by respondents. The operational cost levy figures will be included in the relevant sections of the Regulations which were included as part of the EMR Implementation consultation.


Consultation on the EMR operational cost levies

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Published 27 March 2014

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