Consultation on the Heat Networks Investment Project (HNIP)
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The overwhelming majority of respondents supported Government proposals made in the public consultation on how best to use capital support funding to overcome barriers to investment in heat networks through the Heat Network Investment Project (HNIP).
122 responses were received from a wide variety of interested stakeholders and these are summarised in the HNIP consultation Government response. The response also presents the characteristics of the HNIP capital funding support, which will be provided as a pilot.
Original consultation
Consultation description
HNIP aims to provide £320m of capital support to increase the volume of heat networks being built, deliver carbon savings, and help create the conditions necessary for a self-sustaining heat network market to develop.
We are seeking views from current and potential heat network sponsors, investors, supply chain, and any other stakeholders with views on how best to use the capital support funding to overcome barriers to investment in heat networks and increase heat network deployment rates. We invite views on the organisations and types of schemes that should be eligible for investment support, what form this funding should take, and the criteria that should be used to assess applications for funding.
Updates to this page
Published 29 June 2016Last updated 17 October 2016 + show all updates
Government response to consultation published
First published.