Consultation on the statutory levy on gambling operators
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following the public consultation, which ran from 17 October to 14 December 2023, and analysis of the responses to the consultation, the government will introduce a statutory levy charged to all licenced gambling activity at varying levels depending on the sector and nature of the gambling activity to ensure impacts are proportionate. We believe that the introduction of the statutory levy will achieve the government’s aim to raise the £90-£100 million a year we think is needed to improve the provision of high-quality, independent research on gambling, ensure there is a comprehensive approach to prevention activity across Great Britain to raise awareness of harms before they occur and intervene as early as possible, and align support and treatment services, ensuring those experiencing gambling-related harms are able to access the right help they need when they need it.
- Research: 20% of funding to UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) for the establishment of a bespoke Research Programme on Gambling (RPG), and to the Gambling Commission to direct further research in line with the licensing objectives
- Prevention: 30% of funding to develop a comprehensive approach to prevention and early intervention across all three nations of Great Britain. Further consideration of the evidence is needed in order to appoint an appropriate body to lead this critical part of the government’s approach to tackling gambling-related harm.
- Treatment: 50% of funding to NHS England, and appropriate bodies in Scotland and Wales, to commission treatment and support services, working collaboratively with the third sector
Detail of feedback received
We received 163 responses to the consultation, including 29 individual respondents and 131 from organisations. The responses received represented a wide variety of stakeholders, including: gambling industry trade associations, gambling operators, researchers, clinicians, charities, parliamentary groups, individuals, local authorities, public health practitioners, and responses from the wider gambling industry. We are grateful to all those who responded to the consultation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
Following the review of the Gambling Act 2005, the gambling white paper published in April 2023 set out the government’s plans for modernising the regulation of the gambling sector.
One of the key proposals in the white paper was the introduction of a statutory levy on gambling operators which represents a generational shift in the funding system for research, prevention and treatment. The government is consulting on proposals on the key aspects of the levy’s design, including its structure, distribution and governance. There are significant complexities around the transition to the new system and we want the best available evidence when finalising policy decisions to ensure proportionate and effective action.
The consultation will be open for 8 weeks, closing at 11:55pm on 14 December 2023. We encourage all those with views or evidence on the options above to make submissions via the online survey by that point.
Following the closure of the consultation, the government will publish a formal response to set out our final decisions and reasoning before implementing the changes.