Consultation to review MSN 1870 (M+F) Amendment 4 the merchant shipping and fishing vessels (personal protective equipment) regulations 1999
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
The responses were fully reviewed and action outlined within the attached consultation outcome document.
Detail of feedback received
Responses were received and detailed within the outcome document attached.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks your views on the standards applicable to the types of personal protective equipment (PPE) required to perform work activities on board ship. Industry input on this topic will support the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) to provide the most relevant guidance.
Your views are sought in the following areas
- frequency of updating MSN 1870 annex 1
- types of personal protective equipment required on board ship
- the current official standards for the type of personal protective equipment
A full list of consultation questions is contained in section 5 of the consultation document attached.
Annex A draft MSN 1870 (M+F) amendment 4 PPE is contained with the consultation document, page 11 - 20.
Responses are welcomed from 05/09/2022 until 25/11/2022 and emailed to along with your response form section 5 and 6 (also attached).