Consultation outcome


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Government policy statement: consultation on modernising copyright

Detail of outcome

We intend to introduce legislation to enable schemes to be introduced for the use of orphan works, voluntary extended collective licensing and codes of conduct for collecting societies.

A second and final policy statement on modernising copyright was published on 20 December 2012. We aim to find a balance between the interests of rights holders, creators, consumers and users by introducing revised copyright legislation and related rights for the digital age.

See also a related press release.

Feedback received

Detail of feedback received

Analyses general themes from the responses, and also exceptions to copyright and how to protect them.

Original consultation


We’re asking for views on how we should implement recommendations from the Hargreaves Review on modernising copyright law.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

We want to know your views on our proposals for implementing recommendations on copyright that we accepted in our response to the Hargreaves independent review Digital Opportunity: a Review of Intellectual Property and Growth.

We want to support the legitimate use of copyright works without undue adverse impact on creators and rights owners. We also want to improve the flexibility of the copyright system to deal fairly with digital technology and the potential for copying and new uses of works that it brings.

Published 14 December 2011