Cost effectiveness methodology for vaccination programmes
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Between 26 February 2018 and 28 June 2018, the government ran a consultation on the recommendations by the Cost-Effectiveness Methodology for Immunisation Programmes and Procurement (CEMIPP) group.
The independent CEMIPP group was set up by the then Department of Health to consider whether the method for appraising the cost-effectiveness of vaccination programmes should change.
The outcome document provides a summary of the consultation responses and sets out the government’s response to the CEMIPP group’s recommendations.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The report sets out recommendations from the independent CEMIPP group that was set up by the government to consider whether the method for appraising cost effectiveness of vaccination programmes should change.
We are looking for views from organisations and committees that appraise cost effectiveness within the health and care sector, as well as specialists with an interest in health economics, including:
- health economists based in academia
- public health practitioners
- epidemiologists
- charities and patient groups
- clinicians and vaccine industry professionals
Update 17 May
In response to feedback received so far, we have published additional information (‘Cost effectiveness methodology for immunisation programmes and procurement report: a lay explanation’), which explains in more simple terms:
- what the main recommendations in the CEMIPP report are
- what they could mean for different vaccination programmes
To allow respondents time to review this additional document we have also extended the deadline by 6 weeks.
Please use the link above for more information on submitting a response.
Updates to this page
Updated with the government's response to the consultation.
A lay explanation of the CEMIPP report has been published and the deadline for responses to this consultation has been extended to 28 June.
First published.