Closed consultation

Information Note on Costa Rica’s CPTPP Accession Working Group (executive summary)

Published 29 November 2024

1. Executive summary

This Information Note brings together data to supplement an informed and evidence–based submission to the public engagement period regarding Costa Rica’s candidacy as a new economy to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).

The information presented is from a UK-Costa Rica trade and investment perspective. It outlines economic profiles and trade flows between the UK and Costa Rica detailing goods and services imports and exports. It includes analysis about trade and investment restrictions alongside a high-level breakdown of goods tariffs from the UK’s Most-Favoured-Nation (MFN) schedule and UK-Central America Association Agreement schedule.

This document provides an overview of what it means to be an accession candidate, the timelines and insights into an Accession Working Group (AWG) and how the growth of CPTPP is an essential part of its fabric. This Note further details how organisations and individuals can participate in the public engagement period regarding Costa Rica’s evaluation and what they should include in their responses.

Feedback submitted will inform the UK’s approach to the AWG and it is the aim of this public engagement period to encourage as wide a range of participants as possible.

You can submit your response online. The questionnaire closes on 24 January 2025.