Data access policy update: proposed draft
Applies to England
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Having considered consultation responses and wider engagement with key stakeholders, we have amended the final version of the policy update.
Key changes include:
- clarifying our revised Secure Data Environment commitment in Data saves lives: reshaping health and social care with data
- confirming that Secure Data Environments will comply with the national data opt-out service and adhere to the principles of NHS England’s Value Sharing Framework for NHS data partnerships
- describing a framework for exceptions to the policy, categorised by legal, ethical and technical exceptions
- amending descriptions of several terms that are crucial to this policy - such as ‘secondary uses of NHS data’, ‘research uses of NHS data’, ‘data sharing’ and ‘data access’
A final version of the data access policy update has been published alongside this response.
Detail of feedback received
There were 60 responses to the consultation from a wide range of stakeholders, including pharmaceutical organisations, research organisations and charities.
Responses to the consultation covered a wide range of viewpoints, but were generally supportive of the move from data sharing to data access.
A summary of responses received is included in the government’s consultation response.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In September 2022, we published the 12 policy guidelines for Secure Data Environments. This policy update has been drafted to build on these guidelines, setting out key policy decisions made so far.
The views and feedback gathered from this consultation will inform the final version of this policy update, as well as longer-term priorities and actions for data access policy.
This policy update is intended for a technical audience, such as data controllers, data users and platform providers.