Defining intermediate risk prescribed sites: further consultation
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
This document sets out the government’s response to the consultation on revised criteria for the definition of intermediate risk nuclear sites to be included in the Nuclear Installations (Prescribed Sites and Transport) Regulations.
Such sites represent a lower risk of causing damage in the event of a nuclear incident and this is recognised by setting a lower level of third party nuclear liability for those sites that meet the criteria.
Detail of feedback received
We received 10 responses; these included nuclear operators, a nuclear insurer and a member of the public.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation sets out revised criteria for the definition of intermediate risk nuclear sites in the draft Nuclear Installations (Prescribed Sites and Transport) Regulations. Sites which meet these criteria represent a lower risk of causing significant damage in the event of a nuclear incident. Therefore setting a lower level of liability recognises this lower risk and reduces the cost of operators’ mandatory insurance cover in line with this lower risk.
Government is consulting on the revised definition because the earlier consultation on this subject raised a number of points that have now been addressed.
We are seeking views on the revised criteria and if there are any suggestions for improving them.
The impact assessment for these proposals has been revised to show the effect of the change in the definition.