Consultation outcome

Developing new MFL AS and A levels for first teaching in 2018

Applies to England

This consultation has concluded

Read the full outcome

Decisions on developing new A and AS levels in modern foreign languages for first teaching in 2018

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Detail of outcome

Assessment arrangements

When deciding on assessment arrangements for these subjects, we considered responses to our consultation and potential impacts of our decisions, including in terms of regulatory burden and in relation to protected characteristics. Alongside this document, we publish an evaluation of responses to our consultation together with our assessments of potential impacts of our decisions.

We have decided that new AS and A levels in modern foreign languages that meet the DfE’s content requirements for languages with “smaller cohorts” must be assessed by exam only. This reflects the requirements of the subject content.

Assessment objectives

We have also decided that new AS and A levels in modern foreign languages that meet the DfE’s content requirements for languages with “smaller cohorts” must use the following assessment objectives

Reference Assessment objective Weighting (A level) Weighting (AS level)
AO1 Understand and respond in writing to spoken language drawn from a variety of sources 20% 20%
AO2 Understand and respond in writing to written language drawn from a variety of sources 30% 30%
AO3 Manipulate the language accurately, in written form, using a range of lexis and structure 30% 30%
AO4 (AS level) Show knowledge and understanding of, and respond critically to, different aspects of the culture and society of countries/communities where the language is spoken n/a 20%
AO4 (A level) Show knowledge and understanding of, and respond critically and analytically to, different aspects of the culture and society of countries/communities where the language is spoken 20% n/a

Feedback received

Analysis of responses to our consultation on developing new AS and A levels in modern foreign languages for first teaching in 2018

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Detail of feedback received

There were 15 responses to the consultation; 6 from organisations, 6 from individuals, 1 from a school, and 2 from awarding organisations.

Respondents who commented on our proposals broadly supported them.

Some respondents commented on the lack of a speaking assessment in these languages. This is a consequence of the requirements in the subject content, and outside the scope of this consultation.

Original consultation


Covering Arabic, Bengali, Gujarati, modern Greek, modern Hebrew, Japanese, Panjabi, Persian, Polish, Portugese, Turkish, Urdu.

This consultation ran from

Consultation description

This consultation covers the following modern foreign languages which typically have smaller cohorts:

  • Arabic
  • Bengali
  • Gujarati
  • modern Greek
  • modern Hebrew
  • Japanese
  • Panjabi
  • Persian
  • Polish
  • Portuguese
  • Turkish
  • Urdu

There is a Department for Education consultation on the subject content for these languages.


Developing new AS and A levels in modern foreign languages (alternative content for languages with smaller cohorts) for first teaching in 2018

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Published 1 December 2016
Last updated 3 March 2017 show all updates
  1. Published public feedback and consultation outcome

  2. First published.

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