Digital functional skills qualifications: subject content
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
From May 2019 to July 2019, the Department for Education consulted on the proposed subject content for new digital Functional Skills Qualifications (FSQs).
The consultation received 33 responses. This included responses from:
- education institutions
- awarding organisations
- industry
- practitioners
- representative bodies
The consultation response:
- sets out the feedback received
- explains the changes made
- explains decisions taken to finalise the subject content
Full details of the changes made to the consultation are in Annex B of the consultation response.
The subject content for digital Functional Skills qualifications is also available.
Original consultation
Consultation description
The government is reforming functional skills qualifications to improve their relevance and content, and to build their recognition and credibility in the labour market.
The consultation document asks questions on the proposed content for new digital functional skills qualifications. These will replace ICT functional skills qualifications from 2021.
Ofqual, the examinations regulator, is also consulting on revised regulatory requirements for digital functional skills qualifications.