Digital identity
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Drawing on the responses to the consultation, the government developed principles to frame digital identity policy in the UK.
The principles will inform how the government:
- develops a legal framework to remove regulatory barriers preventing the use of secure digital identities and establish safeguards for citizens
- develops the next generation of digital identity use in government
- explores with citizens how they want to use their government-held identity attributes and how government-held identity attributes can reduce digital exclusion
- promotes a pragmatic approach to international digital identity standards and share best practice to ensure global approach to digital identity aligns with UK digital identity principles
Original consultation
Consultation description
We welcome written responses to this call for evidence from all interested parties, including citizens and businesses, as well as organisations who anticipate being a consumer or creator of digital identity tools or services, and those focused on protecting civil liberties.
We also encourage responses from individuals or organisations who represent the interests of citizens, vulnerable or otherwise, who are susceptible to being digitally excluded, as well as individuals or organisations who represent citizens with a particular protected characteristic.
In your response, please clarify:
- if you are responding on behalf of an organisation or in a personal capacity
- which questions you are answering by referring to our numbering system. There is no need to respond to all of the questions if they are not all relevant to you
- whether you are willing to be contacted (in which case, please provide contact details)
- whether you want your response to remain confidential for commercial or other reasons. If you prefer to engage in person please specify this. We will try our best, resource-allowing, to find opportunities to do this.
Updates to this page
Out of date stakeholder events information removed.
Updated response with Annex B – list of respondents
Updated with the response to the consultation.
Amended information on the publication of the response.
First published.