Disability Action Plan 2023 to 2024
Detail of outcome
The Disability Action Plan sets out the immediate actions the government will take in 2024 to improve disabled people’s everyday lives and lays the foundations for longer-term change.
Feedback received
Detail of feedback received
The consultation received 1,331 responses. Of these:
- 93% (1,244 responses) were submitted on Citizen Space
- 7% (87 responses) were sent by email or post
Responses could be submitted on behalf of individuals or organisations.
Out of the 1,331 responses:
- 88% (1,166 responses) were from individuals
- 12% (165 responses) were from organisations
Overarching themes that were frequently repeated in responses to consultation questions were:
- the need to amplify the voices and experiences of disabled people
- the need for clear and measurable actions (with clarity on who was accountable for their implementation)
- greater financial support due to the impacts of the ongoing cost-of-living crisis
- sufficient and specific funding for any policies implemented
- better communication about available resources and ensuring information was accessible to disabled people with a wide range of impairment types
- equality of outcomes and opportunity for disabled people
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation is aimed at anyone with an interest in the action the government will take during 2023 and 2024 to improve the lives of disabled people. Disabled people and disabled people’s organisations may be particularly interested but anyone, including any organisations or individuals, may respond.
Ways to respond
We encourage you to respond online if possible.
Please read the consultation document.
Then submit your responses online. (Survey link no longer active.)
Please email disabilityactionplan@cabinetoffice.gov.uk if:
- you would like to respond via email
- you have any other enquiries specifically relating to this consultation
If you would like to respond by post, please mark your correspondence ‘Disability Action Plan’ and send to:
Disability Action Plan team
Disability Unit, Cabinet Office
Ground Floor
10 Victoria Street
Tel: 0808 175 6420
National Disability Strategy (NDS)
On 11 July 2023, the Court of Appeal overturned the original High Court declaration and agreed that the UK Disability Survey was an insight and information gathering exercise that did not amount to voluntary consultation. The judgment came after the Disability Action Plan consultation was prepared. For that reason, references to the NDS in this consultation refer to it being subject to litigation.
The High Court’s judgment means that both the NDS and the UK Disability Survey are lawful, and the government is able to continue with the important work of implementing this long-term strategy to transform disabled people’s everyday lives for the better.
The government will provide further details to Parliament in September 2023 about what this means for the implementation of the NDS.
Capital ‘D’ in ‘Deaf’
The capital ‘D’ in ‘Deaf’ refers to people who have been deaf from birth or early childhood – all their lives – and sign language will be their first language. They view themselves as culturally deaf and may identify as being part of the Deaf community. In the UK, the term ‘deaf’ is used to refer to all levels of deafness.