Down Syndrome Act 2022 guidance: call for evidence (easy read and BSL)
Call for evidence description
The government is making some new information to help make life better for people with Down’s syndrome in England. The new information is called guidance.
We would like you to tell us your thoughts and ideas about what should be included in the Down Syndrome Act guidance.
The call for evidence will be open for 16 weeks and is open to everyone. If you are younger than 13 you will need to ask your parent or guardian if you can tell us your thoughts and ideas.
Click on the ‘Respond online’ link in the box below to tell us what you think.
Or give your ideas in the document below.
You can print and scan this document to your computer then email it to
Or print and post this document with your answers to:
Down Syndrome Act guidance call for evidence
Department of Health and Social Care
Quarry House
Quarry Hill
You can read more in the non-easy read version.
Call for evidence questions in British Sign Language
Watch British Sign Language (BSL) versions of each set of call for evidence questions.
Questions for family and carers BSL version: Down Syndrome Act 2022 guidance call for evidence
Updates to this page
Added links British Sign Language (BSL) versions of the 4 sets of call for evidence questions, and added 'BSL' to the title.
Replaced 'Questions for people with Down’s syndrome: Down Syndrome Act 2022 guidance call for evidence' document with correct easy read PDF.
First published.