Draft order: Recognised Stock Exchange (MICEX Stock Exchange) (Russia) Designation Revocation Order 2022
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Detail of outcome
HMRC is grateful for comments received on the draft revocation order in connection with the Moscow stock exchange. Five responses were received.
In light of the responses, the draft revocation order has been amended so that Stamp Duty Reserve Tax is correctly chargeable on depository interest transactions from the date of revocation.
As restrictions on UK investors remain in place, HMRC has revoked the Moscow stock exchange’s designation as a recognised stock exchange with effect from 5 May 2022.
Original consultation
Consultation description
In light of ongoing restrictions on dealing on the Moscow stock exchange on behalf of UK investors, HMRC considers it inappropriate that it continues to be designated as a recognised stock exchange under section 1005, Income Tax Act 2007.
If such restrictions are ongoing on 5 May 2022, HMRC proposes to make an order to revoke its designation.
The order will preserve the status of existing investments for existing investors.