Early phase out of unabated coal generation in Great Britain
Read the full outcome
Detail of outcome
Following the Early Coal Closure consultation, we can now confirm that:
- the commitment to phase-out unabated coal generation in Great Britain will be brought forward to 1 October 2024
- the emissions intensity limit will be implemented at a level of 450gCO2/kWh on unit-by-unit basis
- the 300MWth minimum threshold will not be introduced
- any coal plant complying with the emissions intensity limit by burning biomass will need to calculate carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions on a net basis, in that emissions from other fuels co-fired with solid fossil fuel are to be included in the calculations for emission intensity. The emissions related to the biomass component should be calculated taking into account the whole life cycle of the fuel
- emergency powers allowing the Secretary of State to suspend or modify the coal phase-out arrangements will not be introduced
- the government will designate an ‘Enforcement Authority’ with the power to verify compliance on an ad hoc basis. The government will allow the designated Enforcement Authority to determine an appropriate reporting frequency
- the government will determine an appropriate legislative vehicle for enacting the policies described in this response. We will consult on any legislation brought forward in relation to this. An updated Impact Assessment will be published alongside this legislation.
Detail of feedback received
In total, 16 responses were received from a wide range of stakeholders, including businesses, trade associations, non-governmental organisations and members of the public. A clear majority of respondents supported the principle of bringing forward the phase-out of unabated coal generation.
Original consultation
Consultation description
This consultation seeks views on bringing forward the deadline for phasing out unabated coal-fired generation in Great Britain to 1 October 2024.
This proposal is part of the government’s drive to go further and faster on decarbonising the power sector, as it works towards net zero by 2050. It will also bring the government’s wider unabated coal phase-out policy into line with the date of application of the carbon emissions limits in the Capacity Market.
Subject to stakeholders’ views, and any evidence we receive as part of this consultation, the government anticipates bringing forward draft legislation to implement the proposed phase out date as soon as the legislative timetable allows.
See the BEIS consultation privacy notice.
Please do not send responses by post to the department at the moment as we may not be able to access them.